Zdenek " Denny" Halmo

August 6th, 2016

Halmo, Zdenek (Denny) May 14, 1942 Nitra, Slovakia - August 6, 2016 Calgary, Canada. 

Denny passed away peacefully in his sleep after a difficult  8 month battle with cancer at the age of 74.  Denny is survived by his wife Olga, two children Jeanie (Adrian) and Jesse, his granddaughter Maryann, his brother Ivan, and relatives in Slovakia.  He was predeceased by his brothers Ladislav and William.  Denny and his wife Olga immigrated to Canada in 1968 from Czechoslovakia. He was a professional Painter for over 50 years, retiring from the Calgary Airport when he was 72.  Denny dedicated his life to Ham Radios - VE6 MV, where he recently received Top of the Honor Roll plaque from the DXCC for communicating with all 340 registered countries in the world.  Denny will be sadly missed by his  family, friends and co-workers. A Celebration of Life will be held at St. Bonaventure Church 1600 Acadia Dr SE, on Friday, August 12 at 2:00 pm.


Milá pani Oľga Prijmite moju úprimnú sústrasť nad úmrtím vášho milovaného manžela. Budem sa za neho modliť, aby Pán bol k nemu milostivý a dostal sa na miesto večnej blaženosti. Gitka Rédliová

Mila rodina po Zdenkovi Halmovi posielame úprimnu sústrasť celej rodine.Ani nás nenapadlo že sme sa so Zdenkom stretli v Jelenci na chate pred rokom patria rádioamatérov my s manželkou Mirkou sme hrali na harmonikách.Držte sa ale aj o tom je život pozdravujú Golianovci Česť Zdenkovej pamiatke.

Dear Olga, Jeannie and Adrian, Jesse and Maryann. Please accept our deepest sympathies on loss of your Husband Zdeno, Father, and Grandfather, you Father in law. May his soul rest in peace. Please take care of your-self and look after each-other in these sad and difficult times. Thinking of you. Love and deepest Condolences from Eva and family

Dear Olga, Jeannie and Adrian, Jesse and Maryann. Please accept our deepest sympathies on loss of your Husband Zdeno, Father, and Grandfather, you Father in law. May his soul rest in peace. Please take care of your-self and look after each-other in these sad and difficult times. Thinking of you. Love and deepest Condolences from Eva and family

milaOlga uprimnu sustrast celej rodine Zdeno uz je oslobodeny bolesti spomienky na nase mlade roky ostanu v nasich srdciach a velmi rada si na tie casy pospominam s pozdravom ostam na Vas EVA zWINNIPEGU

Condolences to Olga, Jeanie & Jesse and family on the passing of Zdenek (Denny). He was my Ham Radio buddy. We spent many hours sharing our hobby. It's quite an honor that he received Top of the Honor Roll plaque from the DXCC for communicating with all 340 registered countries in the world. He painted the interior of our home in 1987. What a painter he was! So neat and meticulous. I was amazed at how he could paint a ceiling with a long handled roller. He made it look easy! Rest in peace, my friend.

Milá Oľga, Janka, Jesse, Maryann, Adrian. S pocitom hlbokého smútku vyslovujeme celej rodine úprimnú sústrasť nad úmrtím Tvojho manžela, otca a dedka. Nech je pre Vás všetkých útechou, že Váš drahý manžel, otec, dedko vo svojom živote vykonal pre Vás všetko, čo bolo v jeho silách. Zomknite sa teraz bližšie k sebe a vzájomnou láskou spoločne sa snažte nahradiť nesmiernu stratu, ktorá Vás postihla. Ivan, Betka, Juraj a Katka s rodinami

Olga upřimnou soustrast je to pro nas velice smutné

Sorry to hear about Zdenek our sincere condolences and heartfelt sorrow for your loss. Isabel & joe

We were very sad to see the announcement that "Halmo" passed away. Uwe has been thinking about him as he had not received any emails from him so we were surprised to see the obit in the paper. Our thoughts are with Olga, Jeanie and Jesse. He will be missed.

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