Olga Bardeck
March 22nd, 2023

Olga Bardeck (Nee Lange)
Olga was born on February 12, 1936, to Emmanuel and Ida Lange in Great Kuppla, Wolhynian, Poland. She was the fourth of eight children. In 1939 the Lange family resettled to Poland, then in 1945 the family fled to West Germany where they settled in Bruchhausen, Near Hoexter, Westphalia.
In 1952, Olga and her older sister Bertha boarded a ship from Germany and immigrated to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. They travelled Via Train to Winnipeg to join her elder sister Helen. Olga worked in a clothing factory, showing off her sewing skills. After living for two years in Winnipeg she met her future husband, Rudy Bardeck. They finally tied the knot and were married on March 24, 1956.
In April of 56, tired of the cold Winnipeg weather, Olga and Rudy embarked on their honeymoon with the West Coast of Canada as their destination. Together with their good friend Alfonse Weber they packed their car and headed out. Their trip took them through the prairies and the Rocky Mountains, eventually stopping in Kitimat, where they found work for a short period of time.
Later that year they travelled by ferry down the West Coast to Vancouver. They eventually arrived in Vancouver and stayed in Kitsilano with Henrich and Helene Folwerk, Olga’s Aunt and uncle. In December of 1956 they had their first son Rudy Jr.
Olga and Rudy eventually bought a home on 22nd street in Vancouver. As time went on her siblings also moved to Vancouver, Martha being the first and eventually followed by Eric, Alfred, Elsie and Emmanuel Jr. along with their father. In 1958 they were blessed with their second son Rick. In the next few years, they meet the Jabs, who became their closest friends throughout their lives. The home was brought to life by many family and friends celebrating holidays and parties.
The Bardeck family enjoyed many family vacations within British Columbia and travelled to Germany in 1963 for a family visit. During this visit Olga was able to reunite with family including her aunts and her grandmother who was at a ripe old age of around one hundred years. She really enjoyed going back to her home in Bruchhausen, Germany.
They lived in Vancouver until they moved to Burnaby in a house that Rudy built. In 1965 Bob, their third son, was born. They didn’t live there very long as they eventually sold that house and moved on to a farm in Langley. This started a new chapter in their lives.
Glen Valley, Langley was a very different home and lifestyle for Olga than in Burnaby. The 40-acre farm and house had its challenges, a very rustic home with no running water. But Olga faced this with determination and hard work and together they not only built a home but a farm. This is where she learnt to garden and learned the art of Animal husbandry.
In Glen Valley they became part of the community, here they made friends and helped neighbors. The Glen Valley community hall would have dances, parties special events, this is where Olga shined, her cooking skills could not be matched along with her cakes. She used vegetables from her garden and meat from the farm.
Olga loved family, hosting birthdays and holiday events, was second nature to her. She enjoyed having guests come to the farm and enjoy her home and food. Eventually they established a profitable and notable Dairy farm. Olga, while working hard on the farm still managed to raise her boys, perfect her gardening skills, and maintain her beautiful home.
During the coming years Rudy and Olga travelled together, Disneyland, Hawaii, Germany along with many other adventures. The farm eventually sold in 1985 which led them to purchase a home in the Poppy Area of Langley and start a woodworking business with their 2 younger sons.
Retirement came in 1998 for both, they settled into being grandparents, travelling. Fishing and gardening.
The years brought many changes to Olga’s life, she suffered a major stroke in 2005, again she faced these challenges with determination and grit. She brought a whole new meaning to being disabled, her husband passed away in2017. Olga lived on her own, with help from her family until her passing on March 22, 2023. She is now resting peacefully.
Art has good memories of Olga he remembers being invited to supper when his parents were gone. She was always loving and caring and happy. Our deepest sympathy to the family. She was one hard working woman that is how Art remembers her. Art also remembers her husband and children were very important to her.