Wendy Jean Nevay
April 17th, 2024

Wendy Jean Nevay, our beloved sister, sister-in-law, auntie, and, of course, awesome friend left us in April 2024, sadly too soon.
Born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on March 5, 1960 to June Elizabeth Nevay (nee Belair) and Albert Charles Nevay. She has too many siblings to name.
Also known as “our lady of the bottomless heart”, Wendy always found a way to help the less fortunate, both the four-legged and two-legged variety. Often to her own detriment. But stubbornly she would have it no other way.
Please carry Wendy in your thoughts and hearts as we shall.
A celebration of her life will be held at Alternatives Funeral & Cremation Services on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 at 11:00am. In lieu of flowers, pay tribute to what defines our Wendy. Kindly perform a random act of kindness for a stranger in need. Please pay it forward.
Shine on Wendy!
At a loss for words, but here we go... long time friend & partner in crime for about 7 years. Wendy spent most of her time taking care of the people close to her, whether u had two legs or four. A close friend ,or someone who lived ,far way .dogs/ cats & children were a few of here favorite things .watching the kids grow up ,even from a far. Gave her so much joy., keeping in touch with a lady in the surrey for over 20 years, that had a puppy for over 18 years ,then a new pup after that Wendy would deliver treats too oxygen tank in tow. From the race track helping run the kids club too ,always working hard when able. never a truer friend u could find!! The last on 1 1/2 years were extremely tough on Wendy. We lost track of each other for a few years , and got back in touch. after the lost of a dear friend. I lived on the island ,and not til I moved back to town , was I able to help Wendy with hospital visits, shopping trips, doctor apt.ect...I know u would have done the same for me. Hope u & Max , Bella& Teico , enjoying the big dog park in the sky, with a cold drink In your hand, and of coarse a little AC / D C in the back ground. til we meet again, friends for ever!!! Tom
Miss my big sister ...She was my greatest defender & would drop everything if friends or family were in a jam. We shared birthday cakes/ birthday parties (being 3 days 2 years apart) - even single beds. Mom made us matching yellow pantsuits, these earned us the nickname "the banana sisters" at school. I cant believe she's gone & we're done sharing.
So sorry to hear my sister has passed away, we lost touch over the years, but she was still my sister. I hope she is in better place spiritually and at peace.
I miss her a lot I had amazing time with her ❤️ I love her so much she was amazing caring person
Wendie was a good friend caring loving miss her very much so sorry for your loss we love her
Please accept our deepest condolences to you and family for the loss of Wendie. We know this is a difficult time for you. Our sympathies for you. Wendie was a very good friend to us. We lover her deeply. She will be missed in our hearts. Love you Wendie.
Wendie was a very special person and I'm grateful that she was part of my life. I send my condolences to all her family and friends. She was a ray of sunshine to us all.
Yesterday was one of the saddest days of my life. I found out I had lost my Best Soul Sister Friend of 45 years. To Wendy's family and close friends, I give you my heartfelt condolences as I know you are hurting as much as I am from the huge loss of such a beautiful person. Wendy and I have been friends since we were teenagers. We have laughed together, we have cried together, we have danced together and just had plain fun together. She was a huge part of my life. The aunt to my son, the sister to my sisters and the best friend to my friends. I remember the night I was out with Wendy and my two sisters. We danced the night away at the Boo to Trooper and then went to White Rock and held hands in a chain and walked the peer laughing and joking all way. I also remember when her sister gave birth to twin boys. How proud of an aunt she was. She loved her family so very much. She was the kindest person I ever knew. She would give you her last dollar if she thought you needed it. She was always giving. Sometimes too much but she could never say no. That was my best friend. I love and miss you already Wendy. Rest in Peace till me meet again on the other side.
Sending my heart felt condolences to Heather and the Nevay family❤️ I will always remember Wendy for her laugh and watching over her little sister…. RIP Wendy ❤️