Armand Berube
January 19th, 2014

Genevieve and family, you have been in my thoughts since reading of your loved ones passing. I had panned to be at the funeral but not able. I treasure the days we worked side by side on 2 east and shared so much that I thought of you Genevieve as my sister. Now the process of memories which carries us through. Just six months since Merv's passing but I feel him right beside me. I am looking for your address but will contact Nicole in Moose Jaw. strength to you all. "A great man has reached home"
Genevieve and family, so very sorry to hear about Armand. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Dear Nicole, Dennis, Genevieve and family. It seems a long time since our first meeting in Craik in 1967. While the years have slipped past you are often in our hearts. We share in your grief and extend our deepest sympathy.
Our sincere condolences to you Genevieve and family members on the passing of Armand.
To the family: We are sorry for your loss. God Bless
To Armand, Claude, and family, I was saddened to hear about the passing of your father. I hope and pray that you and your family will have strength during this time of loss.
To the Beurbe family, my condolences to everyone, remembering your many years in Chamberlain and always so friendly when met them in Regina. Rest in Peace Armand