Eric Soper
March 2nd, 2024

Eric Soper (73) passed away suddenly in Abbotsford Hospital on March 2, 2024.
Eric grew up in North West Brook, Newfoundland. He spent his youth teasing and tormenting his sister Lorraine, parents Jean and Jack, and the rest of the poor locals. Some brazen! Yes by’
Venturing out to B.C. in the late 70’s, he established himself as a Heavy Duty Mechanic for Finning. Eric embraced his decades-long career goofing off, working on Caterpillar machines, and dodging the human resources manager.
Eric devoted his retirement to naps on the couch, watching hockey, and running a muck with his fellow cronies down at the local Tim Horton's.
Eric was always a funny man. We were never sure if he was laughing with us or at us. You could always count on him for an inappropriate joke, a personal dig, and some unsolicited advice.
He leaves behind his Partner Karen, Son Jason, and his cat Hunter.
A celebration of life will be held for close family and friends on Sunday, April 14, 2024
Drop in from 1:00PM-4:00PM at the Clubhouse, 5550 Langley Bypass (enter through gate off 56th Avenue, marked with balloons)
In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to The Kidney Foundation of Canada.
Cherish every moment and every person in your life,
because you never know when it will be the last time you see someone.
Life is fragile. Take nothing and no one for granted.
You will be sadly missed Eric
I worked with Eric at Finning in Port Kells Surrey and am now in his old position in the tool room . Always friendly always brought a smile to myself . Was always nice working crosswords together. My deepest condolences to all REST IN PEACE buddy
On behalf of our Finning Retirees Association, we would like to express our deepest Sympathy to Eric's partner, Karen … his son, Jason and everyone in their family.
We were very sadden to hear of Eric's passing. Eric and I were first cousins. I got to see Eric in 2018 when we both visited Nl . It had been many years since we saw each other. We were all together at my parents old house with the rest of my brothers and sisters. Eric enjoyed been with all his cousins. So many stories were told of when we were younger. Rest in peace Eric. Gary Soper
I never met Eric but went to High School with Lorraine and distance has never ended our friendship and memories. So sorry she has lost her brother who so often made her laugh. Praying for the family during this time. May God bring comfort, strength and the blessing of good memories.
My Condolences to everyone. I'm Eric cousin as well, spend a lot of time in the seventies with Eric, dad thought a lot of Eric and we all when to dances together, along with Eric's cousin Paul Soper, I visited him the 80's out in BC. He has an old car mustang I think, keeping cars alive was not problem to Eric. Of source he has humor and his wits about him as usual. He dated my friend way back in the 70's ( Irene),she as passed as well too young. He had a good heart, I think he loaded money when i moved to St. John's with little back then.
Eric was my first cousin, his mom being my father's sister. My Dad always loved his visits from Eric. Him and Eric had a lot in common, though they were very different in some ways. There was a love there like father and son. I didn't know Eric as much as he moved away when I was very young, but I remember him being quick witted and he could stand up to my Dad's conversations without batting a lash. A dry sense of humor always made us laugh. My condolences to Eric's family and friends. RIP Eric, til we meet again. Hope you get to have a chat with Dad up there!!
I knew Eric from his career at Finning. Eric worked at Finning as a mechanic back when the branch was in Langley on the bypass. Then he moved with the branch up to the current location in Surrey. There is a group from the old days that meets a few times a year for breakfast at Ricki's in Langley. Was always great to catch up with Eric, always a joy to talk with. I remember back in the 80s when Eric took one of his trips back to New Foundland and brought back a few souvenirs for people at work. I got a Puffin fridge magnet. I still have it on my fridge today. RIP Eric
Very sorry to hear of Eric's passing. My sincerest condolences to his family and friends. Though our paths have not crossed since his early days with Beaver Equipment, many fond memories come to mind. RIP Eric.
I’m Susan, Eric’s first cousin. My mother, Winnie was Jean’s sister. There’s a bit of an age difference between Eric and myself so most of my memories are through my mother’s eyes. She was always very fond of both Eric and Lorraine and, in fact, went to live with them during her first teaching year. Eric was six and Lorraine was three. Despite being full of mischief in the house, mom recalls that Eric was smart as a whip and very well behaved in school. She said back at the house, however, he was always trying to hide on her but his giggling would give him away. The last time I saw Eric was at his mom’s funeral. Despite the sad occasion, his humour was evident and did a lot to alleviate an otherwise sad day. When I read Eric’s wonderful obituary to mom, she nodded and said it was very fitting. Hugs to all.
So sorry to hear . I remember the family . Rip Eric. Praying for the family.
So sorry for your loss condolences to. all the family.
So sorry to hear about Eric. I grew up in the same community. Our parents were good friends. Condolences to everyone
My Condolences to everyone. I always looked forward to Eric's visits back in the 70's. He would come to Grand Beach to visit Nan & Us. My father had a little shop at the time with a pinball machine. Eric could play that thing like nothing I ever seen before. The Pinball Wizard, I called him. He never lost his wit over the years, bit of a ticket, as us locals would say. RIP Buddy
Eric my buddy, we had many great times together when we were young...step dancing with our dads and even putting the boxing gloves on once in awhile when your dad made us...
Very sorry to hear of Eric’s passing ,our condolences to all the family, RIP Eric.
I’m saddened to hear of Eric’s passing. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. When I visited Vancouver and subsequently worked for Funning at the Surrey branch Eric made me feel welcome and included. His sense of humour and wise words still make me smile. I always enjoyed a cup of tea upstairs with him in the smoko room. He was unfortunate to purchase my Volvo car when I left, I can only hope it kept him busy yet safe while he owned it. Rest in peace mate. Si. Dunedin. New Zealand.