Why Pre-plan

Why Pre-Plan a Cremation, Funeral or Memorial service, Alternatives Event™?Pre-planning provides a straightforward way to ease the financial and emotional burden for your loved ones. You get an opportunity to meet with one of Alternatives’ Advance Planning Representatives, and talk about your wishes at death in the open, comfortable and pressure-free environment of your own home. We come to you.

There can be over one hundred decisions to make very quickly after a family member dies, and the pressure at the time of death can make it very difficult to make sound decisions. Preparing a plan in advance saves family and friends from much of the urgent stress, and they won’t need to hastily second guess what you may have wanted.

Moreover, making plans for yourself now means you have time to fully explore the many unique and personalized options that Alternatives provides, and you can make informed and confident choices about how you would like your final wishes to be presented.